Mexican tile and saltillo pavers are a luxury. Different mexican tile designs can really set off the look of your entire home. That is, if you maintain them correctly. A lot of people are mislead and told useless and FALSE information. Would you want your barber to...
You don’t have to settle for dull Mexican tile & dirty grout any longer These 10 x 10 Saltillo Mexican Tiles in Redlands California were sealed with multiple layers of lacquer oil based sealer. This floor had over 25 years of dirt, sealer, hair, oils, and...
Mount Tamalpais, Marin County California WARNING: If You Don’t Get a Wax Removal Specialist to Refinish Those Saltillo tiles or Antique Mexican Pavers Now, It’ll Cost You More Later… These antique pavers have been...
As you can see, the sealer’s completely failed around this pool. The moment the lacquer dried and the home occupants started to swim and make the water from the pool, get on the sealer. This over time, is what created lacquer gone bad. The mexican tiles...
In these pictures, you can see this patio has 12 x 12 Lincoln Pavers that have white and cloudy on basically every tile, as well as all of the grout. The home owner who inherited the pavers about a year ago, decided that she was tired of the slippery failing High...
When the Sealer is defeated by the elements, rain, traffic, etc In this Video I’m showing the piles and buckets of sloppy goop that I have been stripping off the Lincoln Pavers and Grout. I know it’s lacquer wet look sealer by glaze n seal because...